cusp of spring
spring agenda
The love birds have finally returned
and the daffodils have finally begun to blossom,
as the hibiscus’, too, have begun to follow;
I hope I can learn to still my mind long enough to indulge throughout the season of rebirth emerging before me
I hope I can set free the mannerisms, perceptions, and beliefs…habits and consumptions that often drain me
I hope I can remain calm…receptive to the subtle inspirations from nature that gently and graciously guide and speak to me
I hope I learn to put limited resources, like time and energy, to good use while I still have them on my side
I hope I can forget, possibly forgive
I hope I can experience more [deeply] and remember, once more, the lightness that life also holds
I hope I can fall in love — with long lost passions, life, itself, and with the one destined to be called my lover of fate
I hope to have a garden abundant in fresh herbs to cook countless homemade meals with
I hope to spend countless, restful hours beneath the warmth of ambitious sun
And I hope,
above all,
that every second feels like minutes,
the minutes of hours,
and the hours of days.