Filled to the Brim with Trivialities
Day by day I’ve been packing more and more, being days away from my new life abroad. The amount of times I packed something as I thought to myself, “just in case,” makes me want to scream.
Packing light is fairly foreign in my vocabulary if I’m being completely honest. Why do I need to bring five notebooks? Why do I need to bring a whole bag of snacks? Why do I need to bring seven pens and five cases of eyelashes?!
It just feels right…but as my overfilled suitcase stares back at me, I know it’s not.
These next couple days, until I’m completely settled into my new home, will be filled of havoc, so I can’t promise some extraordinary work that will be posted throughout this time of transformation.
Though, over the past week-ish that I’ve been slowly packing, I’ve come to learn a few things:
- Living out of a suitcase will benefit me far more than need be
- Packing before the initial pack helps put needs vs. wants into perspective
- Letting something go must be done instantly, gracefully, and without another thought of it to follow
- Various “helpful” and “must need” travel gadgets are more so the opposing and a waste of money that could be used elsewhere
- Wear your “heaviest” clothes to the airport
- Packing is a mirror ro our deepest values
- I have a serious problem with collecting notebooks and need to find a capacity-saving solution to organizing my thoughts