evening wander
The winds whispered to me, everything’s going to be okay
I turned up the volume to my favorite piano playlist (Peaceful Piano), as it had gotten lost in revelation
The clouds softly demanded my attention
As they beautifully called to the eye through distinction and contrasted detail
My best friend was beside me…Kira
She has my whole heart, and she doesn’t even know
I wanted to keep waltzing towards the sun and never stop
We sat in eager blades of emerald, eager as I for the promise of warmth in spring
we sat to watch the sun bid yet another day adieu, as it gently clothed itself behind the mountains
A white ladybug visited my olive pant leg
And as we continued to walk
A flock of birds filled the sky with wonder
I hadn’t realized how much I’ve missed watching a tree clothed in leaves dance with the wind
Time always ceases to exist within such symphony.